Sunday, April 6, 2008


Wikis are a great way to collaborate and share information, pictures, video etc.

The interactive nature of wikis are their greatest appeal to me. I can see the need for some qualifiers with a private or public wiki, or else the integrity of the information would be tainted. Library wikis could be limited to an intranet where staff can contribute policies, comments, news etc.

Flickr pics RSS feeds

I found uploading pictures from flickr to be most confusing at first, I could not link up to my blog, once I figured it out using yahoo account, it became easy, I have not tried uploading photos from other photo sharing sites but I guess the principle would be the same. Uploading pictures from flickr was fun and it is really amazing to see what people are willing to share. Its a great way to see pictures on a particular topic without searching the whole net and bringing photos to my blog without having to cut and paste.

RSS feeds were much easier to do, I think getting around to the idea that you need to use an account ie gmail, made the process simple. I think RSS feeds that are directed to a reader like bloglines is useful in that feeds that are appropriate to a blog can then be directed to that blog. Obviously you can access all your "favourites/bookmarks" from any computer.